Yorkshire Ripper To Get Married The serial killer dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper is reportedly set to marry in prison. Peter Sutcliffe has popped the question to 54-year-old grandmother Pam Mills, who regularly visits him in Broadmoor top-security hospital where he is serving a life sentence for murdering 13 women ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Mills's family must be really happy for her:spangled:
This highlights the ol'moral chestnut: does a mass murderer deserve any happiness when he has destroyed the lives of so many families? Then there's the ol'political chestnut: would refusing such an action contravene his 'human' (I use the term loosely) rights? Discuss.
To be fair, he doesnt have a good track record when it comes to women, so who the fuck wud marry him!? :spangled:
if i ran the country i'd have special places for ppl like him to be! :evil: few years hard labour to pick me the finest :chill: going then tortured til they beg me to die & then they'll die int he slowest most painful way i can possibly think of at the time (i'd probs employ dodgy's help...cos he seems canny sick & twisted ) for the likes of rapists & peodofiles (sp) i'd make them get a hammer & rusty nail & nail their dicks to a work surface before using a blunt rusty knife to cut it off themselves!
Aw, thanks hun! How sweet to think of ickle ol' me as sick & twisted.... But, without getting into my usual serious and humanity loving/hating rants: As much as my gut instinct would be to do terrible and obscene things to someone like that, if I did I would end up no better than them. I strongly disagree with capital punishment and I believe that anyone that does terrible things to other people (murder/rape/etc) should be locked up for life (not in all circumstances tho, but to get into that I'd be writing this for hours). They shouldn't be denied basic human rights, and they should not be denied treatment. But they should psychologically suffer for their actions, but not through ill-treatment or torture. Nothing that would make us like them. That's a fairly inconclusive opinion, but it's a bit better than my other idea of walling off America and sending all the fuckers there. (Escape From New York anybody? )
I do evil things to good people with their consent... If I ever achieve my plans for world domination, I promise to make you the equivalent of the Home Office minister - you'll get to wreak evil and terrible things then