Flu Been full of flu since last w/e @ Mad C's can hardly breathe and have the chest infection from hell, not smoked much at all over the weekend and I'm still coughing up small animals I have an awesome headache and a river of snot coming out my face. I have a very busy week this week and can do without it any decent remedies that can sort me out ?
500mg of vitamin C taken every hour - you need the large super strength ones from Holland and Barret. The only guy ever to win 2 nobel prizes (or something) swears by it. Gargle with water and a few drops of pure tea tree oil in it every few hours - it will kill any bacteria in your mouth on contact and will help cure any sore throats or other colds/flu waiting to happen.
Re: Flu rach has been taking these cold & flu tablets mate and they seem to be working. aint seen her much this weekend as she's been in bed most of it, she spent allday yesterday at mine in bed. but shes feeling alot better this morning after taking those along with paracetamol. just waiting on myself gettin it now.
Thought all the 1000% RDA etc Vitamin C tablets were being pulled, as excessive Vitamin C can lead to cancer? Plus also taking more than 1 gram a day can lead to nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and kidney stones. Not nice
Seems like everyone is coming down with it at the moment. Left Slash in Bed this morning and he's feeling really bad. Gonna pop into boots on me way home and see if i can buy some magic stuff to make him better. Hopefully a day in bed will sort him out though- and some TLC of course
sudafed + covonia = job done. when i woke this morning i felt like shit, now i'm functioning like a normal humanbeing again thanks to the magic of those two medicines.
In the long term, i guess taking massive doses of vitamins might be bad for you - but we live in a world where one week we're told to take things to make us healthier, then another week we're told 'this will cause cancer' At the end of the day, 3-4 days of taking large doses of vitamin C is not going to cause you any problems - Ive done it loads of times before and ive never had any ill health over it. And ... it comes with the backing of Nobel prize winners........ I'd rather take vitamin C over paracetamol or any other pain killers any day of the week.
Gonna try this one myself.. I've been bed ridden all weekend due to this flu.. its seems to be developing slower than normal flus.. which just means I'm gonna have it for longer.. I've aready been told by 5 ppl this weekend that its just "man flu" :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
drink as much pure orange juice as you can and try sleep. thats all you can do..... steer clear of "Flu Tablets" and the like........ just caffine and paracetamol
You may have got this off me. Sorry if you did, seems exactly like how I felt last week and the week before Get those Lemsip Max Strength capsules if you can, and take them as often as you can. Sudafed too, if you're feeling particularly congested, and Benylin if you're coughing a lot. Will sort you out. Vitamin C will definately help