bed... and Chris Fee says: i was drinkin green reef last night, and guess what, just had a green poo 2 of us covered (not in green poo)
Supposedly going over to a friend's to watch DVDs but as I was meant to be there half an hour ago I'm thinking she may have realised I'm not coming.. Do feel a bit sly but quite frankly I can't be arsed and I don't have her number to let her know I'm not going.. Oh well, it's only a friend from work and she's leaving before Christmas anyway.
I can't believe all of last year when I went clubbing i'd go to work at 11/12 at the holiday inn, eyes still like saucers. i'd never ask them for a reference, i made counting plates look hard.
Off for a meal then a few drinks with the girlfriend. Taking it easy, as got big party at Clear tommorow. Hope to see some of yous there.
Still ill, so staying in I think. If I can be arsed, I may go to a mate's later, but definately no going out. Supposed to be in Liverpool tonight, damn flu