Which DJ? Which Dj did you first ever hear a set by that blew you away and either got you right into the scene or made you want to learn to mix? For me - Judge Jules back in 1999
anne savage 1998 @sweet gets wicked before that going way back was carl cox at a unliscend rave in some field scotland
first set that blew me away in a club was probs tiesto in ibiza in 2001. listened to trance long before then tho. plus i was only 15. shudnt have even been out!
i liked random songs i heard in the top 40 like offshore + children, first time i went clubbin was the first gk @ the arena, armin + ferry were amazing!
listening to pirate radio from age of 7....about 1988...that gave me a taste for the music...first club,was rockshots in 98 were i mc'd at a d&b/old skool night... not dj's,not last year or early 2000...but better id say
think the one that really first hit me was from Seb Fontaine back in early 1998 before he turned into dead mundane was on a compilation called Elements - 1st Testament 01 Union Jack Two Full Moons & A Trout (Friends, Lovers & Family Remix) 02 Mory Kante Mogo Djolo (The Instumental Dub Mix) 03 Silvio Ecomo Uprising (Original Mix) 04 Da Hool Meet Her At The Love Parade (Nalin & Kane Mix) 05 Stone Factory New Sunset (The Groove Alert Mix) 06 Itchy & Scratchy Come On ('98 Remix) 07 Signum What Ya Got For Me (Original Mix) 08 Lost Tribe Gamemaster (Darey Mix) 09 Agnelli & Nelson El Nino (Original Mix) 10 Energy 52 Café del Mar (Nalin & Kane Remix) 11 Three Drives Greece 2000 (Original Mix) 12 Jonesey Independance (Monstrous Dub) 13 Marc Et Claude La (Moonman's Flashover Mix) 14 Sugarhill Gang Rappers Delight (TKC Old Skool Future Remix)
jules at newcastle uni in bowt '99. he was quality tbf, my 1st night clubbing remember him playing no alternative, loveshy & skydive amongst other tunes. then went back 12month later more experienced and left after bowt 30mins of his set :laugh:
Erm...hard to say. I went to Tall Trees a lot, enjoyed it but wasn't really that into the scene. That was way back when Dave Pearce was resident there! Matt Hardwick the first time I went to Promise must have been mid-2000(ish) I think...that was the first time I really was impressed by a DJ. No one person really made me want to start buying vinyl...that just kinda gradually happened as my old flatmate had decks. When we moved out I had a load of vinyl so thought might as well buy my own decks too! I'm not really that arsed about being a DJ...I don't even like mixing in front of people I get well nervous unless I'm pissed!!!
smokey joe and the bucket street massive( wear fm) at walkers in newcastle back end of 89 and some of you lot feel old lol
Paul Woolford. I'd been mixing for over 3 years when I first heard anything of Wooly's, but he was the first DJ whose stuff I heard and actually went "Wow, I have to go out and get me some of this!". Justin Long and Sneak both made me stand back in awe too.
Had been out clubbing for a couple of years but it was K90 at Quality last year that made me first want a set of dex!!
I knew you'd jump in at that. It's true though, and that's why I go on about him so much, muchos rispek, innit And you can talk, Mr. I Stalk Greg Wilson.