National ID Cards given go-ahead! So - looks like it's been given the go head - are all you paranoid freaks scared that Blair is going to 'track' you and somehow influence your life OR do u think they're a good thing? i , at the moment, don't seem to have any problems with them - but if someone wants to give me any valid arguements to change my mind....
How about the fact that the government requires you to have an ID card that YOU have to pay 40 odd quid to get, not them. :evil: Other more shocking infringements of civil liberties that the government is trying to push through are the powers to instantly drug test anyone for minor offences, regardless of whether or not the crime is related to drugs..... so you could swear at an old granny in the street (as you do) and the police then decide you deserve a drug test for it all ............ THEN ......... .... THE NEXT law they want to bring in is the ability to prosecute anyone with illegal substances in their bloodstream as POSSESION of them. So you could have had your drink spiked with something 6 months ago now your classed as being in posession of X,Y,Z and having to face the concequences of that. Utterly disgraceful - It just goes to show that governments can and do abuse power when people are at their weakest.... which is IN FEAR. Funny how the same day the government puts through the ID card scheme, all the newspapers are falling over themselves to 'report' that the government foiled a 9/11 attack on Canary Wharf CORRUPT CORRUPT CORRUPT.
fair enough - paying for them from our own pocket is a swizz - and the other nazi laws they're giving to cops are also a serious infringement of my civil liberties - but the idea of an ID Card itself doesn't bother me - i know my habits are probably monitored anyway - and i can't be arsed to worry too much about it. i also saw the story about the 'foiled' attempts - but like u say, it's such bullshit that could never be proved i took very little notice. it's hardly even known outside the UK... they'd be much more likely to go for something thats a symbol of the west - like the houses of parliment and big ben or even buck palace
Good idea IMO. As long as the application is strict... Next step find every person who doesn't have one/cant apply for one and expel them from the country! BYE BYE BYE BYE
It was announced on the US Presidential Election Day (how oddly enough... ) that they'd be costing around £87 each... And how's about this too - In about ten years time, tiny hard drives will be able to hold almost a thousand times more data than they do now. Imagine if they could be put into an ID card. That must be carried at all times. That may record audio. Even video. Don't worry, if you're doing nothing wrong... (if you think that's out of the question - look it up, a few companies are working on this technology right now) But you know what? Fuck the ID cards. I'm not going to be here.
Fucking hell! :shock: £87!!!! How many ppl have that lying round to pay for a bloody card I dont mind the idea of the ID card. I think it would be great to have fingerprints of everybody on file. It would help with crime.
if it can hold a copy of your signature/picture/national ins number etc, it will enevitabley have more information in the future, and with the likes of DNA testing etc whats stopping insurance companies charging you higher health ins as you have a history in your family of heart disease. We have passports, driving licences, which we pay for for ID, they can be copied. Spain has ID cards but could they stop disasters like the madrid bomb? Civil liberty groups have went against this as the Government will have immediate access to every and all personal information. They know a lot about us now although it will be freely availible, and on the basis of this, how valuable will our information be to other comapanies etc?
All these new laws have fuck all to do with Terrorism. They Gov pretend they are just to fool the gullible public they are doing it all for their safety. I expect loads more laws will changed/created in the near future....
I'm totally against ID cards. Besides the fact we'll have to pay for them, its a pain in the case having to carry it everywhere. Then there's the civil liberty side of it - everything you do will be recorded and traceable back to you. Buying Rizla's amongst your weekly shop on your Switch card and then getting stopped speeding, followed by a drugs test - doesn't look good does it?
Great idea, as long as they give the contract to a UK based smartcard manufacturing site... i.e the one on the Silverlink