crap horrible shitty crap day. feel like crap its crap outside, and at the min i really dont feel like even goin to trees 2moro. i know i will coz i know me but i dont feel like goin. just checked meetin things at work and ive got one at half 2 til half 4 so i cant even go home early today!!
i still feel ill been up nearly all night for 3 nights cos of sore throat, and when im lying down i can hardly breath, my throat feels like its closing up and its fucking freezing, and im at work. still doing trees tomorrow though
Re: crap I dont fancy TT much myself but I ain't seen Jess for over a week and won't see her much next week. And I need a good drink after living in a hotel for a week
didnt get in till just afta 11, he was quite upset but managed to cheer him up!! he is gettin another one though, so that will keep him happy!!! he told us wot happened!! was nice like tbf
posted by cyber gee and its fucking freezing, and im at work. if u do live out in the sticks mate what do expect sunshine in november u must be having a laugh.
Well i feel ruff as fook today as well , never got a wink of kip last night , plumber was out 1st thing to 'fix' my bathroom taps , 10 mins after he's gone the overflow pipe from the boiler starts pissin water out into the back yard ffs , phones him back "ah your ballcocks gone " :wtf: so he says he'll be back out when he's finished the other job he's now on ffs , which means im stuck in but i need to get to the toon to catch stepys between 1 n 2 for me tckts for tree's satda ! Also im fookin freezin ! ...fidds...:strop:
pah! ive been in uni 9-6 almost everyday this week! its cold....but its winter!....cheer up peeps, its nearly matt hardwick nite and crimbo! x
Re: crap shut up u whinging bastard, get your arse to trees and enjoy yourself! its eddie! what u mean you dont feel like going