Margaret Hassan shot dead Reports that the kidnapped AID Worker Margaret Hassan has been shot dead by her captives. RIP and at least they didnt butcher her like the men.
How? Her death won't do anything to the situation that is present in that country. The 'coalition' doesn't really give a fuck about anyone dying, just as long as it doesn't give them bad press, and/or the body doesn't block the oil pipelines... As to back home here and in the good ol' US of A, the media will run on it for a week til it's bored, and the politicians will get ever more slippier on the issue. RIP.
Course its a pointless fucking killing. What purpose did her death serve? This will only enrage people further and add to an already volatile and mistrustful situation.
R.I.P Although she could have been a plot to try and pull the troops out .... who knows? theres that much shit going on ...
Possibly not the powers that be, but certainly the many people who incite racial hatred around the world. For example I know people who will use this to argue against asylum seekers, with every beheading and execution we just get more mistrust against islamic peoples. Mistrust leads to fear and anger. This will make foreign workers in Iraq mistrustful of the people around them, and margaret hassan held an iraqi passport. This is all very dangerous, dont underestimate suspicion and mistrust as they are very dangerous and this will lead to tension. Just think of the political repercusions when something like this happens, all the people who tried in vain to negotiate and all the work behind the scenes. Its also another angle for the coalition to attack and bomb neighbourhoods where suspects are thought to be. Can you deny this? It wll enrage many people for many reasons.
Its really weird cos she's lived in Iraq for 30yrs with her husband, he was born in iraq 2. She will definately have been killed... R.I.P. i dont know why the ppl from iraq want 2 kill all these ppl cos they have all ready proved their point by killing ken bigley.
Some very valid points But it is mainly our government and media that are creating mistrust with islamic peoples through fear. They are quite happy that we still have a little bit of racial hatred and xenophobia in our collective blood, otherwise we could lose a national identity and start thinking independently. And I disagree with her death enraging people, because I believe her death will merely be another excuse for people to carry on what horrible things they are doing anyway or to further justify their ignorance.
I agree with the media creating mistrust, thats why I rarely read tabloids. The government too have to take responsibility, but then again they want to appeal to the masses and many people still live with older prejudices and misaprehensions. On your second point, I dont understand mate. I agree that disgraceful things will continue to happen but that will just incite hatred on both sides. This death will cause a lot of controversy and added tension.