Jobs I'm just starting to apply for graduate jobs - how bloody annoying is it?! :evil: You have to enter the same details again and again and again and some take over an hour to complete. I been doing it all day and starting to feel a bit :spangled: aswell as having loads of esays to do. Rant over
I know, I don't wanna live away again, wanna stay back home Having to look in Leeds and further afield
Im in same boat at mo. Can anyone supply a list of companies that offer grad progs in and around Newcastle? I.T/Business/Sales Cheers
I'm doing the same they take forever to fill out, I've got about 10 half finished applications. Only managed to apply to BT and Northern Rock so far, my BT appliaction form was 7 pages long once I'd printed it out!
Im starting to get a bit stressed bout getting a job now.... Am 26, girlfriend has house etc. etc so will not be movin anywhere else in UK at the mo. I hope Im not fucked next summer.
Wish the others were like that, got enough coursework without having to fill out shitty application forms aswell
2 right, I spent an hour and a half doing one for Asda today even though it's for Leeds but it included a numerical and verbal reasoning test as the first stage aswell as all the other what are your life achievements bullshit. Still need to update my CV though, and got 5 essays to do before xmas and loads of the closing dates are fast approaching :strop:
That'd mean more competition If you go to you can do a search regarding all graduate jobs in your field etc. The e-mail for northern rock is and address is Simon Woodley Personnel Manager Northern Rock North of England House Doxford Sunderland SR3 3XG There's no deadline, only between 6-20 vacancies and you need a 2:1, starting salary between £16 and £20k
Unless you've got a specific degree such as Law/Medicine etc, there are very few prospects up here. There are also too many people getting degrees from lesser uni's/polytechnics accepting lower quality candidates which is devaluing the qualification. How, for example, is my degree from Newcastle uni worth (on paper) the same as a degree from Sunderland? Newcastle asked for 2 A's whereas Sunderland wanted only 1 grade E? :spangled:
This is why im chuffed that im guaranteed a job at the end of my degree....i think its only fair after all the hard work u put in ! It shud be the same for everyone. x
I'm pissed off already and I'm only doing application forms!! For a city such as Newcastle you'd think there'd be loads more opportunities than there are. There'll all in London or Manchester. A lot of the jobs I've looked at are in places that are quite remote now aswell ,one for Lloyds was somewhere I'd neevr even heard of :spangled: