Bad Breath / Body Odour Now i know sometimes it cant be helped, in fact i dont paticularly think ill smell nice 24/7 or after clubbing but i do try ! Have just got out a taxi there n the bloke was fucking rotten - i refused to talk all the way home case his breath gave me an instant hit and skinhead - manky isnt the word, horrible fat bastard ! Is there really any need, its always the same at work as well - people talk and i can feel the "12 mins after the stand and tan" feel staight away ! SORT IT FUCKING OUT - A TOOHBRUSH / TOOTHPASTE / SHOWER / SHOWER GEL ISNT THAT FUCKING MUCH !!!!
A reckon he loses more money than makes by looking and breathing at the notes / coins ! Dashboard was more or less "Planes tranes and automobiles"
Some ppl dont give a shit! some ppl do! i kno i take pride in how i look/smell, i never leave the house looking like shit or smelling like a complete mess!
Can i just add as well that the heat in clubs lately has been - i think me top when i left Promise week just gone was meant to be Yellow, then it was summit else :spangled: Suppose that falls into the "cant be helped" where as some people in daily work / life just generally smell scruffy and like they brush there teeth with shit and then shower in it
theirs a few that smell at my college, like really smell, you would think that they could smell it on themselves tho, it is rank :sick:
theres a few ming smelly people at work! our 'dis-advantage' rep smells like stale piss! :sick: i also hate smelly fat people who just blatently can't get right between their flab to not smell of sweat!
My top had grown three sizes by the time i left Promise, from the damp Wont be wearing that again ur right tho, there no need for it. A 30p packet of chewy will sort ya breath and a can of deodrant stop the smell. Its not difficult :bang:
There was this Lad i used to go to school with who had a BO problem so bad it made his white school shirts yellow. You knew when he'd been getting taught in a room cause if you walked in you could smell it. Was rank :sick:
Re: Bad Breath / Body Odour But Darling, you said you loved kissing me first thing in the morning?!?! Nothing like morning breath :yawn: :sick:
Yeh but i bet u smelt alrite b4 u went out....its the peeps that smell bad when they leave the house that hav the problem
I thought this thread was gonna say 'if you had to choose, which would u rather put up with?' I was just considering my answer. But yes they are both fairly rank. I can't believe people don't realise when they stink!
i tend to tell people if they smell...there is no excuse unless u've been out clubbing for hours then tbf no one smells that nice!