What are... those little envelope things at the side of the threads brian? Obviously they r little envelopes at the side of the threads... but i mean why r some orange, and some have little black dot things on them with lines coming off them... Probly a dead simple answer but ive never known...and i now im ready 2 find out I thought it was something 2 do with how many pages in the thread or something..but it doesnt work out
But how come those 2 are the same that say 15 replies or over 80 views? And the whole time i have been on the board i dont think ive ever ever noticed that!
Bein a nerd.. I had a look around.. As its canny l8 though I kinda gave up.. The most info I managed to find was the that the names of the icons themselves kinda tell ya a bit about what they are used for.. For example if a thread has only been up for say 10 mins but has hit 90 views and had say 25 replies then it may be a new hot folder.. Where as if the same thread had been up for ages and only just got that staus of popularity then it'll just be a hot folder.. However I'll be shafted if I can find out what that bastard dot is used for.. its gonna haunt me till I find out..