Foundation bad press Yet again last week the local papers ran story's on Foundation being taken to court about Illegal flyering/postering. Why is it that ONLY Foundation is been named like this in these story's? Anyone walking down Northumberland St will get any amount of flyers thrust into their mitts. Anything from amusement arcades to employment agencies not to mention other nightclubs. Foundation seems to be public enemy #1 atm with Newcastle Council. This is corresponding with the development of about four flat complex's right next to and very close to the club. Is Newcastle's best club being hounded out of existence because its location is clashing with these upper class digs? Do the council think people wont want to or wont like to live next to a nightclub? I wonder....
Basically.. its anythin to stop the kids havin fun.. Tbh.. I feel that foundation should have an excellent rep.. u never really hear of bad things bein said against the club.. where as I have heard many a bad thing said about Ikon, legends etc.. Ok.. so they put flyers up.. so what.. This sorta thing really annoys me.. :evil:
Foundation has flyer liscences and so do the promoters of nights held there, think its more to do wi posters bein put up by nights. I have wondered bout the flat developments across the road and round the corner aswell, thoughts were that it would certainly damper efforts for 6am finishes etc but lets hope thats as far as it goes. And also that the owners dont decide to sell off to some massive property developer....... wish i hadnt just thought that
Which paper was it? I think I will send them an email. They are taking the piss, it's always foundation. The property developers can fuck off!
no you see the simple solution to that is we all buy a flat in there, think about it, living in town, a stumble away from foundation, weekends of absolute madness, actually what is the property developing company? ill give them a ring lol
Both the Journal and Chron carried articles. Evening Chronicle article -
If anyone should be in trouble, surely it is the promoters of the nights that have put the posters up, not the club itself?
Thats their pants And thats not the point is it! Who mentioned a strongly worded email? The problem is that they are clearly only getting one side of the story. If enough people actually took interest the maybe such bad press wouldnt be released so often, or would at least have more about the club night in question and the need for fly postering etc. Cheers Lee.
street furniture Thing is its Gateshead council taking them to court, not Newcastle.... So does this mean its ok to do it Newcastle? Im putting a big night on at Xmas and really wanna fly post in town, but dont want any grief for it. I know Genre were in trouble aswell. On that note, what has happened to Genre?
Re: Foundation bad press One of my mates is moving into the new flats, and one of the reasons she decided to was cos its 10 seconds to Foundation. When the salesperson was telling her that it was so close to a nightclub they were making it out to be really bad and it would be disruptive, so i think the developers have a big problem with Foundation being next to the flats, tho they should have thought of that b4 they started building them