Phone Bills Suck Just thought I'd vent my anger at my own stupidity.. bloody phone bill is massive this month What the biggest phone bill u've had to pay? I'm currently sittin on one thats gonna cost best part of 160 notes.. :crazy:
:shock: :crazy: :bonkers: Bugger me.. how the hell did u do that? Think I might calm down the use of me phone like.. busy week for me with that + car tax and promise.. I feel my wallets pain.. Tis all a bit of fun though..
Once when I was in Ibiza, couple times when I had my first contract when I was 16. I never paid for any of them...
fone bills suck Phone bills suck! Ur tellin me....ive decided to go back to pay as u go after gettin this months bill of £190! The biggest yet! Id die if i got one bigger than that. Defo gettin rid of my contract asap. Gud luck with payin urs !