I hate it when you just want a lie in alllll week and then the wkend comes and you wake up at like 8am all fresh as a daisy :angry:
I know how you feel, although I'm usually far from 'fresh as a daisy' when I wake up at stupid o clock on a weeked
Wasnt 11, was half 10 and that was cos I kept getting woken up thru the night by some crazy horny bloke trying to wrip my clothes off
Who the fuck was that? Why didn't you tell me that was happening to you? You must of been liking it too much!
Re: Colds at weekends You can say that again ... ive had a cold all weekend .. still got it, sitting drinking lemsip all weekend!! you cant beat it! "Well apart from Oscar G @ Shindig ... damn!"
Re: Re: Colds at weekends I hate the taste of Lemsip, but it seems to work. I'm considering pulling a sickie tomorrow, but I've had loads of 'colds' recently