fancy dress tidy wkender is halloween theme and dress code for fri nite is black, red and white!! :spangled: so obv we all goin dressed up anyway all the girlys that r comin r gonna go as evil bunnys, dont ask why i just thought it wud b a good idea. :spangled: i know im wierd. but nobody else will do it, will they?? i dunno how to make the bunnys evil tho??? ideas??
erm......................... make the tails n ears luk scraggy n horrible. thats about all i can think of
im think we all gonna get blood and cover ourselves in that, mite rip some of clothes wearing, i dunno. i dont think i really thought bout this properly.
lol ta. il think of some way to make it work. if everyone is wearin fancy dress, not gonna know who ppl r :spangled: