Toilet training a puppy How do you do it? Dads been getting a terrier pup and its great apart from its piss and shit. How do you train em to do it OUTSIDE. Iv rubbed its nose in many a piss puddle to no effect!! Its about 2 or 3 months old i think
You should be able to work out when it is likely to need a piss/shit. Just take it outside at that time, and when it does what is necessary, praise it. Also, if you say something specific while it is doing it, then say it when you want it to do it, the puppy should work it out through association. Alternatively, get a good dog book that tells you how to do it!
Put newspaper next to the door and it will soon learn to use that with enough 'encouragement' Then it knows to go to the door when it needs a piss / shit If the door is closed, it will bark to let you know it wants to be outside
Just keep punishing it when it's bad. They know when they have done something wrong it will just take a bit of time that's all.
I don't mean hurt it I mean rubbing it's nose in the carpet when it's pissed. I mite be from south shields but were not all as cruel as those bastards that killed that dog. I'm nice !:angel:
take some pissy newspaper and some of the poops outside and keep taking the dog out there and putting it next to it. Let the dog out every hour or so during the day and he will eventually learn to go out there himself. Rubbing their faces in it doesnt usually work cause its normally quite a while after they did it that they get the punishment and they don't understand. reward the dog when it does it right.
ure not supposed 2 rub its nose in it eitha. it ruins its sinuses(sp). but yea try gettin it 2 pee on 2 newspaper, then gradually move the newspaper outside, then get rid of it altogetha. also, if u see the puppy "doin the stance" to take a pee or woteva, quickly pick it up and put it outside. this will make them realise it needs to do it outside.
When it does something inside, rub its nose in it AND then put the mutt where it should have shat/pissed. Otherwise it knows its done something wrong, but not what he should have done. Failing that, get a cat. They usually come house trained. And take themselves for a walk. And can cope by themselves all day without wrecking the house.