Hair Dye This is probably only a question for any gurlies out there who have dyed their hair... I have been thinking about dying my hair darker, and i was just wondering if anyone has dyed their hair from a light colour to a dark colour like, with semi-permanent dye? Because i dont want 2 dye it straight away permanently..but i am worried that because my hair is so light, it will either go a funny colour...or leave it a funny colour! Help meee!
It will go dark and probs stay pretty dark...u wnt b able to get it back to the colour it is now without bleaching it! So think carefully
Semi permanent dye is supposed to wash wont stay really dark if its wash out dye i wud imagine...
My original colour is Mousey Brown - though i've probably not seen that colour for a long time...Ive just recently dyed it maroon red - it's wierd seeing yourself with such a dark colour when your used to it being so light and your first impression might freak you out a little and then you start to panic...But I like although I am bored of it and what to dye it another colour now Like Jess said think about it first as you probably wont go back to your original shade - as there is also roots to think about and if you have a lot of 'baby' hair around the hair looks quite wierd being the same colour as the rest of the hair when it's usually the lightest! Oooo, ive rambled on a bit there - I say go for it...You'll never know what it'll have been if you dont try
i use semi perm and it washes out after a while.. looks kinda green atm... needs sorting but im lazy.. what color u after?
Re: Re: Hair Dye the next person to fall asleep at mine.. is getting bleached and coloured you have been warned :laugh: off home now - laters!
Thank you loads hun! I need somebody who has died their hair before. My hair is like a light mousey colour. I have booked a hair appointment for 2moro, and i think i am just going 2 ask my hairdresser to put darker colour through my hair aswell as some light, just for now...i wud love to just dye my hair dark but its so light i would be worried it would go wrong! Im just sick of having really light blonde hair its boring Thanks for the advice Cassie.
Thanks Rach! I think thats a good idea yeah. Thanks for the dying a bit of hair thing..didnt think of that... I do think im doing the right thing by not just dying my whole head at the moment I will just see what it looks like.
def go for something like low lights first of all before goin darker if u decide to do that, goin to drastic can be a bit much if ur not used to it u could end up para - my hairdresser done that with mines by mistake went from being dark brown to more or less blonde. Im now black n goin to get my bright red put thru it on monday
.. well my hair is naturally light blonde and last year i decided to go a light brown, bad idea, it went really dark... am still trying to get my hair to its natural colour :evil:
Re: .. unless ur planning to go totally black ur always better goin a few shades down from what u really wanna go cause hair dyes to tend to turn out darker than u expect