ive done that b4 m8 , got out of hand too , was too easy to get debt when i got my 1st job , but as they say u learn by ya mistakes !!!! ...fidds...
I get paid on the last working day of the month. Monthly pay is ok, but last working day is crap! Got paid on the Tuesday after the bank holiday last month so was too skint to go out over the bank hol weekend! Get paid on New Year's eve again this month!!! That's no help to anyone!!! Got £££'s for the actual night but no money before hand to plan anything or go anywhere really! Not that pay day's anything to write home about! Money goes in one day, the next rent/bills etc come out & left with very little!!!
Re: Re: wages I get paid on the last working day of the month - it's fucking shite :evil: I much prefer weekly - I can save more, am never skint, and I have the satisfaction that whatever bastards I'm working for aren't playing around with my money for a month.
Im just fucking shit with money end of, regardless of when i get paid ! Saying that i have applied for three new jobs as well as the one i have and the wages from them will clear me debts slowly - basically have to work to get it done and i will be working either : 7am - 3:30pm then 4pm - 8pm somewhere ! 7am - 3:30pm then 5pm - 10pm somewhere ! Long hours as it maybe ill reep the benefits, even work weekends so i dont have to go out.
i love my weekends off like , but they go over so quick compared to the 4 days off i used to get for 5 years working in a factory ! Mind u i prefer my office job n just weekends compared to hard graft n 4 days off at a factory !!! No more nite shifts or 12 hour shifts ...fidds...
I work Mon - Fri on flexi time but I'd prefer 4 days on/4 days off!!! Usually knackered on the Friday night so don't do much, do what you like Saturday day/night, spend Sunday recovering & doing domestic stuff in preparation to go back to work on Monday!!! No score!!!
12 hour friday n saturday niteshifts are just so long , boreing n depressing tho ! Now i have the choice of starting at either 8 or 9 monday to friday and finishing from either 4 at the earliest or till wotever time i get finished and any extra time i have over my 37 n a half hours can be taken in lou the following week !! Plus i work in sheilds town centre now so can nip out whenever i like and have mmy own office / pc !! ...fidds...
I get payed weekly with bonus at the end of the month, its not bad, going back onto monthly wouldnt bother me at all
Flexi time's great. Start anywhere between 7 & 10am, can take from 11.30 - 14.30 for lunch & finish anywhere from 16.00 - 19.00. Used to work 6 nights per week not so long ago, didn't really mind it & the money was pretty good. Office work is ok but would rather do longer shifts with more time off!
its impossible, no matter how much u get, i used to get paid weekly and always had cash in the bank, now i get monthly its gone in 2 weeks