The poor kids have been drinking their own piss. Im loving the Russian KILL THEM ALL approach here. I hope they slaughter all the c unts.
i saw them carrying babies out last night, half clothed and crying for the mothers... if there's children dead they deserve to be ass raped in hell for eternity. jimmy will understand being a parent. there's tanks shelling a house they've escaped to. i hope there's no survivors.
How the fuck they got out in the first place baffles me, surley they should of had the place surrounded and cordoned off so none of the fuckers could of escaped and no one could get in.
apparently the camera man for itv managed to get into the gym where they were bein held hostage b4 gettin gettin kicked out 1min later - said there was roughly 100 dead!! to of the captures flee the school but the parents gotta hold of them and have kicked them to death!!!
Why the fuck did they raid a fucking school in the first place tho? They could have done a fucking apartment block or something where theres less kids!
apparently a women blew herself up which a couple of kids just ran for it!! the captures started chasin them shootin thats why the russian soldiers returned fire!!! then that when the gym ceiling collaspe afta blowin up!! thats the only reason they got out!
I havent actually seen anything myself, just my mam was telling me about it before. Pretty shocking to say the least
Yeah, I've been in the house most of today and keep checking the news channels, I wish I knew more about politics so I'd have a better understanding of the situation that was going on. It was bad cack tho!
why can't they just hold terrorists hostage? no one would give a fuck, the terrorists would be killed, then the next load of terrorists would hold that lot of terrorists hostage until the world ran out of hostages and we killed the last ones. save us alot of hasstle.. i think im onto a winner here..