Cold Calling Spammers.... Ive had about 5 phone calls on my home phone the past 2 weeks or so from sales people (usually foreign), trying to sell me insurance etc and are far too pleasant, or far too like robots/ one point i thought i was talking to an asnwer phone... anyways, i got a call for Che last night, he just handed the phone to me to hang up whilst she was in mid convo. I feel harsh as fuck doing this but its getting to be beyond a joke now... if anyone here has that as a job i feel sorry for ya cos you must get disconnected shitloads. Next thing BT should bring out is a spam blocker for yer telephone!!! First emails now yer house phone ...i was in bed early yesterday and woke with a call on the housephone the twats....only to find it being these sods who woke me up. nevermind...rant over!
have you ever had one that's just an answer phone message that keeps on playing even if you hang up? that really gets on my tits!:evil:
They're well annoying. I've had a few automated ones @ work asking for people - usually from banks and then you have to press loads of buttons to get through if the person's not there and if you hang up they just ring you back. :evil:
If they phone you and you hang up then the line is still connected until they hang up. so if you pick up again then they will still be there Can be funny at times though
Last time someone called me (before we registered for the thing Jimmy mentioned) the bloke wittered on for a bit then I said it wasn't a good time and asked for his home number so I could call him back later to discuss whatever it was.. he said "errr no" so I said "oh yeah that's right.. it wouldn't be polite to bother you at home, would it?".. he was speechless, I hung up, it felt good.
lmao ... classic!!! think i might try that one...make me feel better before i register with the thing jimbob was on about. either that or setup a trick answer machine
Re: Cold Calling Spammers.... was that the one where they were wantin to offer a brand new financial service? coz i've answered to them twice, forgot to tell che tho i've done those jobs meself, cold callin outbound sales......ooh i love having my testicles boiled!!