feeling fooked n hungover afta a lot of alcohol and no sleep, footy @ 2, shit how will i b ready 4 then
think im going to go out for lunch then on the piss all day nowt else ta do got to go to bed first like get a couple off hours kip
I dont know what im doing today....depends on what time this party ends....last week we partyed from 4pm Saturday afternoon until 3.30am Monday morning....needless to say i was a bit worse for wear...its all good though!! lmao!!!
i just need sleep. so much in fact that i've just typed the above texts into the password box while tryin to log in.
Just realised my House Of Fraser bill has to be paid by today, so probably that Fuck all else to do...
I have just got it from last night. The beach sounds appealing, but I am waiting for Rach to ring me hopefully!