Copyright questions... Copying & Pasting... Someone has copied and pasted a load of text from our web site and put it on theirs...changing the occassional word. However it has CLEARLY came from our web site. Am I within my rights to ask them to remove it?
id warn them first let them know its obvious what they've done, see what they have to say and/or if they change it
best solution by far!! The guy who did it (one of our competitors) is a complete knobber!! I'd really like to email across some shit scary legal mumbo-jumbo!!
if hes a competitor it sounds like hes trying to stirr a shit storm up, because he knows you'll see what they've put on their site
There's nothing you can do! Apart from send the police in to his clubnight saying you noticed dealing going on! Result!
If you have your site copyrighted then he's in breach. Giving a tip off to the Police that drug dealing and consumption is going on at his night is an option but I'd go for setting off the fire alarms at his night. It's been done where i've been playing before and seriously fucks up the night.
i just thought it was a follow on from get the boys round and make him dissapear........untill u mentioned the magig shop then i clicked on