Those scamming emails from Nigeria! Who remembers the thread about the Nigerian who sent a bloke an email who then in reply basically took the piss out of the guy and got him to join a cult or something? Well, I got an email asking for bank details today and am feeling in a taking the piss kinda mood! I want him to join this board but need to give him a good reason, so anyone got any great ideas? We could all post pics of ourselves doing some sort of initiation or something a bit odd and try and get money out of him! Good idea?
talkin ov nigeria there's a fing going round in nigeria that you can get killer phone calls and if you answer them you die instantly... so no-one's aqnswering there fone in the entire country
I've got 'De Ring' on DVD if anyone wants to watch it. It’s a bit like 'The Ring' only in Nigerian. :angel3: