Schools - Happiest Days or Bag of Sh!t? Well? Was it the happiest time of your life or was it a lving hell. I vote for hell, 5yrs of utter utter wankiness. College however was a hole different story, i totally came out of my shell then............:angel3:
I hated the first few years of secondary school, then i stopped doing any work and started having a laugh and i realised i loved it
hated it... full of idiots (myself included) As much as it blows having to work just to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge, its alot better than having to deal with exams every few weeks, pressure to conform to the average norms, school uniforms and having zip all cash. Uni was good though.
school was average, can't say I minded going, but sixth form was easily the best time I've had in my life up to now. My first year of uni was pretty sweet, but finanacially crippling.
school was alright, was a bit of nightmare seeing that my dad was deputy head of the school, and i couldnt get away with anything at all