Inland Revenue Why the hell does will it take them 3/4 weeks to check one figure on one form? Really takes the piss Tho if its in my favour i'll take it all back
for 3 1/2 yrs they thought that there was 2 Ruth Kennedys living at my address, with my d.o.b & my ni number! bunch of fucking numpty's! :evil:
They didnt have any tax records for me apart from a temp one of the last year, had to go and dig out all my p60's n the like
on a similar tax vein - anyone know how u get hold of a copy of your P60? i'm sure i read somewhere u can't get copies. shite. Anyone?
Re: Inland Revenue Because they've got something like 30million customers and your query gets dealt with once they've done all the queries before yours. Simple really
I work in the civil service and I have seen how they work first hand.. they really are a shambles but alot of it stems from the software they use (which is shit) and the bureacracy(spelling?)... in fact the whole of the civil service can fall under these shortcomings previous employer had the wrong NI number for a year (altho they had the right one before that! :spangled: ) so it sounds like I'm gonna have loads of fun trying to sort this one out!
And another thing...they were meant to send me my new employers pack so I cud pay myself but they haven't...fuckers!
Fucking IR is the bain of my life. They give me a tax code which entitiles me to a 4.5k tax free earnings allowance. I am nowhere near that at this present time....... BUT THEY ARE TAXING ME AT THE BASTARD BASIC RATE!!!!!! How dare they, what a bunch of cowboys Theres nowt worse than seeing they have robbed you of £150, two months in a row. I think I need a P37 or something?? Are they stupid!?
Re: Re: Inland Revenue fuck u dickface! i graft my bollocks off! plus my teams the best in the command! usually takes ages to reply to people becasue theres that much fuckin work.
that happens to everyone mate. When i started working at sainsbury's when I was 15, they took more than half my wages in tax, and they said they'd repay me, then the stupid twats went and lost the paperwork and i never got my money back.
Thats how it works, they tax you a percentage each month then at the end of the tax year if your earnings fall below the threshold you get a rebate.