they should get a couple of the bums from bum fights, an iraqi extreamist, a nazi and a couple of porn stars, mix in a smack addict going cold turkey..... et voila......... perfect entertainment!
BB3 was the best all the tit slapping gan on!! BB4 - did this actually happen? - it was that crap!! BB5 hopefully i can actually have sumthin amusing to watch !!!! i vot BB6 slash should gan in!!
that'd be mint, he'd come out a national hero!!!! should make his entrance vid wen he's wrecked, sure we could talk him into it!!!!
im defo up for that - but will need some help of peeps!! ive got the camera already ready for take 1!!
saturday at tiesto my mate bella saw slash at the bar with blood on his face, he'd knocked a scab or somethin. she told him "slash, u've got blood on ur face" slash: " what, i only wanted a water" nearly pissed myself wen she told me
LMFAO - water and blood r a bit different wot a tool he is !!! take 3: 'IM NOT PISSED IM NEED MORE DRINK' as he proceeds to walk into the door trippin over his foot!