Leave us to it? Like I didn't see you peek through the door the whole time...you pervert! Cheers Nass ....drag Jill along to a couple of Promises while I'm away
Right Mr Dobson.. few things. I expect postcards and letters to my home address for me to read when I get in after a hard day's graft. Birthday card ON THE RIGHT DAY to my work address so I can open it in the morning. I appreciate souvenirs, however tacky they may be. You are more than welcome to bring me a nice American bloke back. That said.. have a good time, sugar.
one? Jill...I'll try my best Oh..and make sure Peter doesn't spend his summer cooked up in his house in Ponteland! I've told him he's not allowed to...sad git
See u later matey! Whats ur plan for wen u start gettin the old withdrawal symptoms from the board? 1474 posts in about 5 months...some addiction there! And wot u gonna do without ur little smog! U keepin a long distance relationship goin or wot? These things never last im sorry to say mate! and u with all those kids, temptation may get the better of ya! Ah well, iv got those directions u sent me for the embassy, jus waitin on my form to come thru to get my visa appointment! 7 weeks til im over there for my 13 months in florida keys! Have fun bud and if u cant be good, be careful
Cheers everyone for wishing me luck and all that! ...but I'm going to be honest...I'm absolutely SHITTING myself about this. Christ WHAT THE FUCK was I thinking?? I'm going to America BY MYSELF to teach a bunch of American kids for 10 weeks straight...me being only one of 2 English people there...and then I HAVE to stay in the USA for another 10 days until I can get a flight home... Oh well...hope everyone else has a class Summer, I'll miss my daily chats with people on here Hope to see people at the September Promise Bye bye PS. Happy Birthday Sarah :groovy:
have a wkd time hunni!! if u check this while ur over there, gimme ur camp address.....im travelling for a while when im finished camp, if fancy coming to visit newyork gimme a email/letter all the best tho hun.....ur gonna have the best summer ever, enjoy! xx
Have a wicked time mate, If ur ID dont work, remember I will send u "Dial a drink" stylee alcohol airmail delivery, if / when you get the shakes. *for a small fee* See ya in Septemba Bless him, since Morrisons merged with Safeways he just hasn't been the same, now hes off to the US for some answers.
thats the best thing about it! i didnt have to deal with any little brats.. but my company had a similar attitude.. by the end ull never want to come back to grey britain!