L-plates again... :spangled: Started a weeks intensive Heavy Goods Vehicle course today, sum management genius decided i need to drive a lorry b4 i can drive an ambulance God knows how im still alive, nor the OAPs i almost killed. Shoulda seen their faces! They ran into the bus shelter 2 take cover! Mounted the pavement 3 times today, (when i say mounted, i mean mounted!) Had a little play round a carpark then i was unleashed on the public. Quite scarey really. Anyway safe drivin peeps. Will sound me airhorn if i see ya! Parp, parp. Test on Friday, in the intrests of public safety - keep off the roads. 10-4, 10-4. Big Rig.
My L pletes will b coming out in less than 2 weeks, infact i will have to tell my mam to go and buy me some
Ah feck... you in a car would be a disaster, but at least you could justify the name "beep" @chute - good luck with ya test geeza
Re: L-plates again... Good 'un Chute! Christ knows what went through the OAP's minds when they saw you with that grin behind the wheel of an HGV trundling towards them at whatever speed! Good luck with it though Just keep "nee naw nee naw" in mind
Wasn't smiling as i was gettin shouted @ by the instructor... ...however, once off the pavement I gave the "survivors" a huge grin "" on me way past, no hard feelings u know. :chill: Did better today tho... Todays roadkill = 1 x traffic cone. (stupid roadworks)
Passed me test this mornin! Im a fully fledged trucker. By the skin of me teeth tho, 9 minors. Gunna start wearin checked shirts, dungarees, & get a numberplate with my name on it for me windscreen
Class. Gunna have to get a lurvly ladies calender now eh? Will stick it in the cab behind me. Maybe Geordie Lee could make me one out of his "extensive" photo collection. "Promise Calender 2004"