More Fookin Snow! Woke up this morning and there was about 6 inches of it!!!!!!! Just got to work! Plenty people slipping over tonight i think!
Blizzard... After dropping Angiebaby off home, in the middle of nowhere ala Kibblesworth, we had to drive at 20 MPH, in blizzard like conditions, to South Shields. The snow was over 10 inches deep and visibility was down to 6 feet. It was mint! Lisa and Leanne did not really like the snow, but Neil and I loved it! Roll on more snow! :angel3:
Had to go to work early this morning, was bout 6 inches where i was as feet just sank in it
I havent dared touch my car for days - it aint made for driving in the snow Came back this afternoon and it hadbeen buried in snow over night. Hope it starts 2moro
its so strange we havent got it up here yet! im just waiting on it'll come and probably with a vengance! im starting driving lessons on friday so im just hoping the snow doesnt come and affect them!
Definately got the makings... bit too tidy and clean at the mo... that can be sorted in a couple of sessions tho