scot project what a set man!!! completely brought the house down. that made my night and to finish off with overload, what a guy. also enjoyed some a dodgey daves tunes ie tiesto 643 and ferry corsten punk.
Cant remeber Flight 643, r u sure? Was it not Outerspace, becoz the build up to that tune has a similar sound to it. What remix of punk was it he played?
scot project was mint but cannot remember flight 643 getting played or a remix of punk tho i could be wrong...........
your right matey it was ferry corsten rock your body rock i didnt read the post properly i thought he said scot project played them!!!!
i definately heard punk, the original mix i think, aswel as rock your body rock. i cud swear i heard 643 aswel but i might of been wrong. n e way, daves set wasnt as bad as i thought it wud be.