Tiesto Tonight, Arches - Glasgow ! I have been told that he's cancelled for tonight in Scotland ?? Does anyone know if this is true or has anyone heard owt ?? Were meant to be going up for me mates 21st at 2pm, Guy Ornadel and someone else and then Tiesto headlining but it now looks like Penfold is headlining ! Cheers
its a load of bollox, tiestos on first at room at the top in glasgow, and the people from that msg board tried telling everyone he'd cancelled both nights due to weather conditions to wind up everyone @ inside out
Should be good banter, cant wait ! Broony stop being a fucking harlet and get yourself out, you know it makes sense !
He already has a ticket, but say's he is ill, what a pussy! I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be totally immense!!
is like stayed in last nite for it n jobo went out hes making no sence at all hes still absolutly wankerd
Doesnt he have to drive to Claire's now????:spangled: Are yous heading off from here at bout 3? Rach doesnt want to leave that early. Took her nearly four hrs to get back from Liverpool last nite
we need to pick our tickets up at the box office n that closes at 8pm wardys driving to newcastle getting there for about 3
Yeah, We need to pick some tickets up too. Think we'll leave at bout 4ish. Knowing my driving, we may even catch u up!!
its not sold out yet its jsut the arches that's got no tickets left big no score at you broony ya lightweight im planning to go into glasgow for about 7.30ish what time do you's think u's will head into the pub for at all? i better no get snowed in in my town u should see it! (dont worry its just my town that seems to have snow )