Haha Look what some mad cunt from my work has done. He has been suspended! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3073514474
LOL!! Comical! Why'd he get suspended for that like??! It dont affect his job! :spangled: Maybe's if he was selling the computer...
I aint too sure why he's been suspended. Maybe because theres customer information on the photo(comp screen). The man is a legend tho!
haha funny as fuck also I think he can probly knack BT for suspending him for that cos it's nowt to do with them as far as I can tell - there's nowt there that identifies who he works for and you can't read the screen legend
Quite funny! But it is telling an increasing problem. It'a a fucking disgrace how they are taking all the jobs, just is not right!:evil:
LMFARO! I did me bt trainin wi Al, he's an absolute character. always crackin jokes and havin a laugh. thats all this woulda been but he does have a serious message in there too.
agreed! used to have a Dell computer, and i'd get some Indian bloke who can barely understand English. I can barely understand English Computer Language myself, so for some bloke/wife who's its their second or maybe 3rd language I just cant believe it. Shocking corporate money-pinching wankers. you never speak to anyone anymore, mobile phone companies, computer companies, electricity companies! AND whenever you ring 'Sales Department' you get your call answered within seconds, as opposed to the 'Technical Support' where it takes you through 6 menu options and then some Indian. Funny that!
and as for your mate Jimmy, i think that was genius. I like wit, and he seems to have it in ample supply! they prob suspended him coz it gives the company 'the right image' to suspend ppl who dont plod along with their requests