Quality line-ups for March? Any idea or is it TBC? Any chance of Mssrs Farley & Tissera on the same line-up sometime? Would be class! :worship: :devil:
Anyone??? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease, have some decent HH @ Promise!!! Apart from Lab 4 and Glazby/Tidys, there's not been a line-up that's really made me want to go! Any chance of having a full decent HH line-up, with all top DJ's, rather than one headliner supported by a 2 mediocre ones plus ressies (not saying ressies are bad - on the contrary!)? Eg. Farley, Tissera, Lashes + ressies I know it's a lot to ask, but at the minute, I'd rather spend cash going down Leeds to Sessions or Sundis in Brum etc for a decent line-up? Even Gods Kitchen have better HH line-ups at the moment... Just a thought... :evil: :tut:
It would be class wouldn't it!!! The thing is that line up is expensive!! It is a risk, but will see! I like to give other djs a chance tho, those dj have been around a long time, and i'm a person who likes to look for tomorrows headliner!!!
i think its better with 1/2 big names then the others ressies an smaller dj's, you can hear them anytime, but quality usually gives youthe chance to hear some diff dj's too... keep it how it is, varity is the spice of life after all how about lady dana uberdruck vs organ doners ressies sounds good to me
what about me,you say you are looking for the next new headliner,pm me an addy and ill send a cd... you wont be dissapointed..............
i would just be happy with the energy uk djs. then casper... maybe karim at a push (altho some stuff aint that good) and also... do dynamic intervention dj? that would be appealing