Thats no excuse, if you already have the flu, your can't get it now can you... unlike everyone else your are immune!
ive just been stood in town for 40 mins waitng for a number 'every 9 minutes' one bus in this facking snow... grrrr
That happened to me last time i was wating for the number one bus, it was pouring with rain, and there wasnt one for ages..bloody typical, and i had no sox on either so my feet were freezing
Justa lil' bit a snow here. Im in Aviemore cos of me work heh heh. Been throwin snowballs for weeks, got a sore arm Rather b in nucastle tho....I'll be back........
Stopped snowing now... was pisspoor slush outside but the rain has sorted that, bah was looking forward to battering the local skiprats