Hospitals I was meant to be going in for a minor operation on thursday on me nose as i have breathing difficulties with it. Anyways i went for me final check up the other day and it was all arranged n that and i had to be there for 8am this thursday. The operation itself means i have to have skin removed from both sides of me hooter and then splints are placed in to help the air holes expand therefore baldy can breathe better ! It only turns out now the operations been cancelled and im back on the fucking waiting list till i get a new date and new time Apparently they have had to call mine off to do an "emergency" operation that day - you'd think an emergency would happen sooner than that anyways !! I suppose with me just starting a new job and training for it this week and next it means that i wont be missing any training but im not looking forward to knocking round me new section with 2 black eyes and loads of packaging as ive been told
*jumps on her soap box* Before you moan bout the NHS...think about countries who don't have one....there are ALOT!!! We work damn hard for a pittance and all we get is complaints that we can't perform miracles under a tight budget and short staff blame your government.....not your free hospitals! rant over
Dont get me started... ahh that old chestnut eh? I work in theatres,...emergency my hairy arse . Its a way of hospitals cookin the books so they perform better on hospital league tables. They put you on a routine list with a date & time in say 6 months but they have no intention of seeing you that day. Then they contact you at the last minute with a crap excuse, emergency etc. That means they can restart the waiting list clock from when you recieve your next appt. for say another 2 months time. So, the government figures show you waited 2 months for an op, when you really waited 8 months, shit eh? Sly dogs. Its the governments fault, they give hospitals that "perform" well more money. So everyone cooks the books, cos its for their own good, but not the good of the patient. The NHS does the best it can, emergencies will always be seen quicker. Its just a shame routine/minor probs get left by the wayside and have to suffer for months/years.....decades....heh heh. ***steps off soapbox***