Dunno if this was posted? and im not dragging up the old MJ post but i read in a paper yesterday that hes been cleared off the charges strange how he was all over the front page and then when hes cleared it was a tiny little coloum stashed away insdie the paper? discuss
Re: Dunno if this was posted? Please don't discuss.....just remember the last time! I wonder if any people have egg on there faces right about now?
Re: Re: Dunno if this was posted? fascist, we can talk about whatever we please MJ hasn't been cleared, this is about some previous allegations he had been cleared of.
Because comments like that are bull shit and aren't needed! Do you think they just let him off because of who he is? Do you think he will ever be able to shake off the peado label now even tho he has been cleared? Do you not think this will have had a massive negative impact on his life? Do you not think?
Re: Re: Re: Dunno if this was posted? Bollocks, the rant I have just posted in now invalid! Apologies! *walks away with tail between his legs*
I do think. I just don't like people like him thats all. Some people will want to give jacko a right kicking and some will want to still buy his records and shake his hand.
i did a quick serach on google for michael jackson and cleared and such and a few pages said that he was cleared from the latest allegations there must have been more cases then i relised