Wouldn't it be great to see the world ... ... through someone as stupid as Darudes eyes for just one day. Everything must be so easy going and stress free.
I don't think seeing the world through his eyes would be a problem (computer screen, pictures of scantily clad women on the wall, jizz-marked keyboard and a box of tissues) I think hearing his world would be worse... sandstorm followed by... sandstorm and more... sandstorm:spangled: I'd rather be 'turked' by a syphallitic bull
He's harmless int he? (and fun to take mickey outta) At least he isn't a tyrade of abuse like some people recently...
I dont want ant one to feel sorry 4 me I just want to be left alone and get on with my life understand.! And I don't want to see the world . And I aint weird Im just different