After NEC.... Is anyone going to insomniacz after to crasher this saturday...its only in line-up too....6am-12pm. gonna be good stuff, keep the party goin an extra 5 :groovy:
Re: After NEC.... Unfortunatley i will be on a coach totally ruined preparing for the worst journey ever.
Re: Re: After NEC.... Could be a bit harsh ur right Unfortunately i will be an unidentified object to this planet after no
Re: After NEC.... if i had the pennies nd wasnt gonna be a tain on the way home at that time, i might of thought about it!! xx
Re: Re: After NEC.... certainly is the worst journey ever!all the way from birmingham on a total comedown with loads of randoms talkin complete and utter shit! just keep the party goin and u shud be fine!
also gonna be onthe biggest comedown of my life on the worst journey lol.. got me little bottleof poppers to keep me company on the way home