Boring essays. Currently writting a very boring essay on 'the software crisis'. i think i may reach for the razors before i reach 1000 words.
Re: Boring essays. i've spent the past 3 weeks discovering and pondering the joys of "will the proposed reforms in the forthcoming european constitution significantly affect the relationship between EU law and the domestic law of the members states." needs to be 5000 words, currently langusing around 3500, i am struggling trying to find the will to live whilst i finish this one.
perhpas check out - Software process and product improvement: A historical perspective by E. Georgiadou, gives a nice brief description at the start of his paper. Or if your a member of ACM, they have loads of info in there databases. ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
i prefer waking up when i want and having boring essays to do than havin a 9-5 but then i culd do with some more $$$
True....... load of shit aint it :spangled: poor with loads of time OR moneyed and no time.... .... pass the razorblades
Re: Boring essays. im currently writing an essay on "can a man and womans role in the family ever be equal" the crappy things you have to do, to get enough points to go to Uni!!
Re: Boring essays. I have a 1500 word essay to write on Database Security on the Internet for Thursday. Luckily it will be quite easy!
Im doing a vb assignment soon and i hate vb boring as hell. I find it too hard all that bloody coding to think of.