Stereophonics @ the Telewest anyone going? I'm not there biggest fan but I bought the tickets as a present ages ago so I'll be there. I've got seating tickets
I'd be looking forward to seeing Tim Burgess more than the Stereophonics. His new albums pretty good, fairly different to the Charlatans.
Aye, fairly sure its Tim Burgess solo. He's just relelased his own album not so long ago. I saw him at Stone Love when he was on, I thought he was pretty good. He played loads of wierd stuff, well different to the normal stuff. Don't think it went down too well though, he got kicked off the decks after an hour or so. Remember it being well wierd hearing Bob Dylan through the Foundation system.
Cant stand The Stereophonics. Tim Burgess might be ok. Charlatans have done loads of cool stuff. Saw them at the City Hall on the opening night of Promise! Did that, then headed off to Foundation! Good night!
What tour was that?? The Us and Us Only one?? If it was that one its one of the best gigs I've been to, got some quality photos. Some of them look professional as fuck!!
me & yvonne are standing....we're having a doubles day in town b4 we go to the arena!!! i love the phonics & tim burgess is a bonus!!! i'll hopefully b 4 rows from the front again!!! we'll b in town drinking from 4 ish if anyone fancies meeting 4 a drank?
the 3rd & 4th are better than the 2nd but i wud probs agree that overall the 1st album was the best!!! there still class & even better live tho!!
i saw them 3 years ago...last year & again this year...will b seeing them again the next time there on tour an all!!!
so i can take it that your a fan then Ruth??? theres only one band i cant wait to see again...Jamiroquai...saw them twice and they are fecking class live!!!
Yes it was Us and Us Only tour mate. Was April 2000. I remember they started with "Forever". And for the encore they played 3 tunes "Just Lookin", "****" and the always superb finisher "Sproston Green". Fuck i cant remember the middle one, was a long time ago now. Top night though!
I'm off to see radiohead next month, can't wait for that hope they play 'everything in its right place'