what paper do u read? well? sport....ala sweedish Leon... Times? Guardian? i normally read the telegraph....
I buy it so I can cringe at Dominic Mohan. I'd love to beat, sorry meet him. What happened to striker? I don't like this new team.
I Dont buy papers - they are full of biased, slanderous lies and do whatever it takes to make you buy their product. BBC news in the morning is about all i'll lower myself to watch
hate all tabloids very very boring, they all just write shit, altho suppose the broadsheets do as well but they're just clever about it..&at least they give some interesting stuff.. depending on what mood i'm in either guardian, indpendet, times, observer.. actually just the sunday equivalent -that tends to last a week i'm not really left or right wing so buy a mixture
same as brid, usually just watch the beeb in the morning, sometimes buy the sun during the week, cos its pish and can easily read it in my lunch hour. Don't have time for current affairs over the weekend.
the Guardian all tabloids are idiot shite for shite idiots Mail is a right wing rag for pretentious idiots Telegraph is right wing shite as well, but good cricket coverage wouldn't buy any of Murdoch's papers to save my life
I buy the bosses Mail on the way to work, so I read that I read my workmates 'Scum' when I am on the bog. If I can lay my hands on a Metro on the way in I will read that. I like to get the Chron on a Thursday + Friday I like a Journal on a Monday. When I get in from work I used to read the Express, but it is so crap now I can flick through it Saturday, me dad buys the Express & Sun, if Newcastle have a big game I will buy a Journal. Sunday, I do like The Sunday Mail. My Dad gets The Sunday Express,Sunday Sun & we get the News Of The World if & when they have a BIG STORY. Apart from that I never read a paper.
Read the Express on a morning for the sport coverage and flick through the Gazette on an evening though its usualy shit.
in my house i have the choice of the times, or the FT and on sunday... the sunday times. i hardly ever read any of them though, i prefer www.bbc.co.uk/news
the new teams shit, bring back nick jarvis and eric openshaw! although the real star was scrapper griswell
Generally read the Independent, but also buy daily mail and the sun to giggle at the editorial slant/ the sports section