details, details!!!! s'cuse my utter stupidity IF details about this have already been posted on the board but wud any of u luvli promise people care to give us anymore details about the thing at the boat on new years day, heard about it quite a bit ago and seein the lil thing at the top of the screen advertising it has reminded me all about it thank god sumfink good in our area is goin on over the new year period cos was rackin ma brain about what to do this new year seen as nothink i ever so will come remotley close to been anywhere near as good as last new years eve for the obvious reasons but from what i've heard i like the sound of this boat thing on new years day very much, any chance of some line up and time information s'il vous plait...??!! xxxx
I am not going because I used to work their P/T for approx. 3 years & I would be blasted & I would get lots of free drink & I don’t want to look like a gurner in front of previous employers. Also I have seen to many NYE/NYD on that dam ship!!!!!!!!!! Sitting on downstairs cloakroom by myself while the whole world was celebrating the millennium, whith a fat lass stumbling by while sipping 1 of my many free vodka redbulls Or NYE/NYD 01 /02 opening the Tyne suite as an emergency cloakroom & rollicking the supervisor, who makes it up to me by opening all the fridge’s,WHAT A BOOZE BONUS THAT WAS! AHHHHH THE MEMORIES!!!! GOING BACK WOULD ONLY TARNISH THEM.
we are talkin about "the boat" are we not? if so, are they gonna fumigate th place first, the stench alone would put me off going... im bein serious, last time i went after about ten mins i felt really really ill x10 if im up my tree
42Djs!! Bloody Hell.. I woulda thought majority of the bigger names, ie Tiesto, Halliwell, Scott bond, AvB etc woulda been busy doin other gigs on NY.. Of course thats me presuming those djs would be on.. and I don't know of many Goodgreef regulars... This'll be mint if what everyones sayin is true.. Agree with scruf bout the stench though..
hhhmmm not sure whether theres any details elsewhere on the board but bin on placement all week so aint had chance to read it much but just bumping this back up to the top in an attempt to gain more details!! xxxx