Charva Scum I fukkin hate charva scum. :evil: Last nite i was next to the bar, Cookee came over and i went to give her a hug, but as i did, the very edge of one of my fingers ever so slightly brushed the head of this scumbag ss he was walking past. So whats his reaction? He walks up face to face with me and says the following: Scumbag: How, yeve gotta buy me a drink, cunt. Me: Why? Scumbag: Because ye jus hit me. Me: I didnt hit you, i slightly touched you by accident. Get over it. Scumbag: Nah ye hit me. Therefore your buying me a drink, or im gonna nut ya. Me: Im not gonna buy you a drink. I apologise for slightly touching you. Scumbag: Buy me a drink, or im gonna nut ya. Me: Im not buying you a drink. Scumbag: But you have to. Or il nut ya. Me: You can have a sniff of poppers, but im not buying you a drink. Charvas face lights up. He takes a sniff of poppers then dissapears. No fukkin need for any of it. :evil:
Should have bought a shot of vodka and poured it into his eyes. It would have wrecked and he'd be too pissed to walk soon after (I've tried it)
no no no, youve all got it should have bought him a drink, but poured the poppers into it!! The little bastard would have been ill for days :evil:
that guy was standing near the bar all night - he looked like a right nutcase... was taking the edge off my night like. he had eyes like a murderer too. mentalist fucker
i remember you well mate.... so well in fact im sure i passed you today on northumberland street outside hmv.. if that WASNT you - then i guess i was completely wankered last night hehehe
Should of told the little bastard to fuck off, if it wasnt you it would of been someone else - he probably walks round all night bumping into people and scores for a few drinks when shit scared people say "aye nee bother soz like mate" cheeky little cunt !
yeah right - you must have been trolleyed to think he was a year older than you and me he looked like he had been to hell and back .....
He was no way about 25, Orbit. He was well in his 30's. What an animal!! Bloody pyscho. I would have kicked him in the goolies and ran!!!!!