Underworld Just caught this at the flicks, check it out folks, it rocks. The sets, FX, CGI, music, creatures, and over all look was class, and in some parts were real dam cool. The werewolves were good and looked well savage thought this kicked Blade/2 in the teeth. There were quite a few scenes or parts in the action where CGI would totally ruin everything if it was a bigger Hollywood movie. Instead they went traditional by using make up FX and stunt work. Criticism has been leveled at it’s “muddled” storyline and lack of characterization, good old Jonathan Ross said as much on Film 2003 – yet this is the good old boy who at it’s time of release said that Batman Forever was one of the best films ever made – like yer what! :spangled: Check it out and decide for yourself!
CGI is fucking amazing. Film is fucking shit. I couldn't have given two flying fucks about what happened to the characters. Really.
Everything about it was genuinly awesome but me and the others just couldn't have given a fuck what happened to the characters.. it never made me care like most films do.
At first I was rootin for the vamps...but by the end I was in the corner for those poor beastie warewolves I'm even man enough to admit that I was afraid of the huge black guy, when in warewolf mode what a beast.