Techno on Internet Radio TONIGHT with DJ Rolando Wednesday 1st October Locked Grooves on Proton Radio 1st Birthday extravaganza Three hours of Techno on the nets biggest electronic music station, Proton Radio. Great guests, fantastic hosts , CD Giveaways, 1st B'day celebrations. This month: DJ Rolando [Underground Resistance, Detroit] Vanentino Kanzyani [Recycled Loops, Slovenia] Chris Finke [Atomic Jam] Lee Bolton & Ryan Blackman Tune in for giveaways of Valentino Kanyzani's new mix CD, not in the shops till November!! Novembers Show: Vince Watson [Transmat] Ressies +more :chill:
Vince has the first release from his new label coming out around the time of the show and has an album and a single due out on Detroit's Transmat label early next year. He is also a cracking DJ and is doing an exclusive mix for us as is Rolando
Yep thats the one. He and Umek do all the Recycled Loops stuff, Hard as nails :chill: The CD's that we are giving away have been blagged from his managment especially!
I'd definitely be listening but can't tonight, are they gonna get put up on the website like those other mixes???
Our mixes will be up on the site and so will Chris' (check that out, he is ridiculously good). I'll have to confirm with Rolando whether or not he wants it out and about. If not I can always burn you a sly CD
CD would be even better, me dads still being a lazy get and not got a cd-writer. Broadband, but no cd-writer!! Its a nightmare. I downloaded your one on there at the minute, its pretty good... well wierd in places I thought... suppose it was 8am!
You didn't see the state of me the night that was recorded. A few people on the forum will vouch for that. There's nowt like a bit of Kraftwerk when ur in a mess! I will have more stuff up on the site tonight or tomorrow including tonights mix from me and Ryan.