How much is... ... a phone call to greece from mobile to mobile???? The other day my mate rang me but i didnt hear it so i rang him back and after about 10minutes he was like by the way, 'im in greece'!!!!!! think it was just after 7tho but not sure!! ho much will this be, i suppose theres no chance it coming out of my free minutes???
if u rang him then u will pay the cost of calling his mobile in the uk... he however will be charged for the call from home to greece on a mobile!!
yeah a was over in greece and wor lass rang bout twice a day checkin a wasnt havin me way wiv some slappa ....hehe A never used me phone to ring anyone but when a got me bill add been charged 62 quid for her calling ..... silly wench ... Women even when there hundreds of miles away they still tek ya furgin money....
my mate was in ibiza...the lad who he was on his hols with's x lass rang him & cost him over £300 iby leaving voice mails..his mob got cut off so he didn't receive the voice mails & still had to pay the cash!
knowing my luck thats gonna happen to me! Nobody fones me during the week normally and i bet this wk everyone decides they wanna call me when im in ibiza. I am dreading my fone bill already!
Re: How much is... It cost me about £1.50 per minute to use my fone when I went a couple a months ago. Big fone bill.
I was in Greece not long ago, cost me £1 a minute to receive calls and £1.50 a minute for me to ring home, my bill was £84 for a week but I was sending texts aswell Depending on what network your on I think its about £2 a minute to ring abroad mobile to moblile
Re: How much is... hahaha!! was just about to say that!! hav got the bloody song goin round n round in ma heed now!! xxx