Movies Two movies that I recommend u see First of all Old School, funny as fuck, best comedy out in a while. Secondly, Phonebooth, really good with loads of twists and turns. Has any1 else seen any of these? What did u think?
Re: Movies yeah old school is class, that guy who's always streaking in it has made some class films... half baked is funny as fukk! (i think thats what its called, i wasn't the most sober when i saw it)
I reckon there could be a sequel too mate, I didn't realise it was Keifer Sutherlands voice 'til right at the end of the movie. It wasn't on for very long but it was well good.
Re: Re: Movies half baked is one of the best films ive ever seen!!! "i'm a man not a fish!" with the squirral master played by chong and the guy on the couch is funny as fuck too!! its all good
yeah my mates got it on dvd but its a american one an i cant get it to work on my player or my laptop... gutted...
Re: Movies Isaw both of them! I thought old school was really really funny and i didnt think phonebooth wud be that good considering there was only one scene in the whole film but I thought it was a really good film!
Re: Re: Movies Yeah, me and Debs watched both last night. Was well impressed with Phonebooth, didn't really know what to expect from it. I'm gonna have to get half-baked, sounds canny good!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Movies you'll love it mate. total stoner movie! 100 times better than cheech and chong and thats a statement and a half
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Movies Must be good then Jeff. Definatley have to watch it when I'm goosed then
That came to the tyneside but i missed it - gutted! They hired n trained kids off the street 2 do it didnt they?
yeah think so! I wanted to go nd see it, at the tynside but my meat head mates wouldnt go! fucking commoners!
Picked it up on DVD a couple of weeks ago...on of my favorite films ever....a few quotes... "weve came on holiday by mistake" "if i medicined you'de know you'd been spoken too" " 2 quid!!??? can stick it up your arse for nothing and fuck off while you doing it" "i demand to have some booze" "Balls... we want the finest wines available to humanity...and we want them here and we want them now" I could go on....but i wont!!