Resistance - 19.07.03 This week we're very excited to be joined by Antony Daly and Justin Mills fresh from supporting Andy Weatherall and Radioactive at the castle keep on Saturday. They will be playing a 3 hour back to back set from 8 until 11. To be honest I don't know quite what to expect apart from it being proper quality music all night long. Entry's still only a pound for this one, although due to inflation and my heavy drinking it'll be going to 2 whole pounds after. Resistance - Sat. 19th July 2003 @ the STOUT FIDDLER BASEMENT (Over the road from Warner Brothers) featuring Antony Daly & Justin Mills (3 Hour b2b set) and residents Gareth Hocking - Michael Telford - Lee Kerr 7pm until - £1 entry Perfect Shindig warm-up/alternative!!
I might come down this week and check it out mate. Will there be a slight whiff of techno during the night?
The music will be quality all night. Every time i've seen these's boy's on they've been class. Hopefully treat us to some techno aswell, if not me and gaz are bound too. last one was fucking banging on till 2.30, I reckon we will be having some more of that. justin and ant i'd say play a good variety of stuff from deep house to rockin techno. They don't to get to play to gether that much any more and there really looking forward to it (there not the only ones). Not even sure if they were on at the last reverb, so it should be an entertaing night for all. Hopefully a few more people off here will have a look down to support the night and not forgeting the music and getting lashed up. Especialy those who said they were coming to the last one and didnt bother. Its a good night to forget about the shindig and put your dancing shoe's on for a different night instead. Or if you fancy going to see nic fancuili(spelling) get your self down first, its only 2 minutes up the road.
Hopefully we'll see a few people down there tonight. If you's are up for some tuff beats and some techno get yourselfs down. Its only £1 in and the drinks are cheap.
sorry i can't make it 2nite...i enjoyed the last 1 too......but alas work & nee pennies have made sure i can't come!
Cheers again to everyone who came down and made last night even better than the first one. The place was well full all night and everyone there seemed to be really up for it, although I reckon people should of got up on the dance floor a bit earlier!! Antony Daly and Justin Mills played absolute quality set, don't know quite how to explain it but there was bits of everything thrown in and they built the night perfectly before getting everyone up later. Its all been recorded so hopefully at our next night we'll be giving out copies to a lucky few! We'll definitely be getting them back soon, so everyone who missed out this time should check them out then.
Really injoyed saturday lads! Good music, venue and atmosphere with a nice crowd. Keep up the good work!