if i had some cash i would be tempted - he's got 50 cent, d12 & cypress hill supporting him.... si - you could've put the price, date, venue etc on!
It's tuesday the 24th (this tuesday). Know its a bit late but just out of interest - http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/sea...maxRecordsPerPage=50&SortProperty=MetaEndSort
Its this tuesday (24th) and i've got 4 tickets spare all together. Price is £50 each and i've also got 1 train ticket goin@£25. PM me ur mobile no if u want 1 and i'll ring monday.
i need one, maybe 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am a huge huge eminem fan, and i really wana go see him in concert, plus itll be near my b/day!
Fair play i take back what i said mate, its just folk on the gk message board were ranting and raving about it being the best concert they had ever been to. Still wouldn't mind goin like!
Was reliably told that the nite was amazing but the crowd in Milton keynes was poop. Would love to go on tues Ness but cant afford £50 quid.