Moving Out Where's the best place to look around Newcastle for summit thats affordable and not too over the top price wise ?? I am paying summit over £150 board at the moment and expect that if i rent somewhere thats going to go up to about £200 + with bills / food / tax etc added on ! I know there's a few people on here have moved out within the last year and probs is still people looking ! I wouldnt mind sharing in a 2/3 bedroom place - if the area's a shithole then i wouldnt dream of it This isnt an advert for "does anyone need a flat mate" and more an enquiry as to where people go and how etc ! Cheers
Not sure where you should look but you have got the pick as most of the students have all went home. Where do you want live? Now find an estate/letting agent in that area
most decent places are already reserved. ur best bet is to find some students who've got cheap accom then take 1 of their rooms - u can skip council tax then
I have had enough of whats been going on at home now for nearly a year with me sister and that so i think now's time ! Heaton / Benton / Gosforth wouldnt be a problem but the ££ can be canny steep really There's one on ur street Joe 3 bedroomed / newly furnished / loung / fitted kitchen & yard for £450 ! I need to find mates first and would prefer an alarm on the place !
theres a few people on here wanting to share. personally I aint keen on sharing... its double to have ur own place but will be well worth it
You can live in my Sesame Street House in Heaton for £240 + Bills a month. No smokers, Pets, Decks or After Partys.
No thanks ! I have decks and smoke when out ! I wouldnt have party's or pets tho - i am far too house proud for that !
Ive been thinking of moving out for a while now like. Ive moved out before and shared. Its cheaper, but like Joe says its better to have your own place. To be honest my flat mates just annoyed me. I suppose it depends on who you live with. Still think il probs go for somewhere by meself if i can stretch to it.
I would consider sharing if i knew the person ok ish and trusted them - i would probs get a lock on me bedroom door anyways
im living in a student house in south gosforth and only paying about £220/month and includes gas/elec/water aswell as rent. u jst have to look around all the agencies and theres bound to be one which has a good deal.