Agreed, me and u are neck and neck in the poll Si. I aint sleazy at all. Just a nice friendly young man
And it just so happens that the people you lot are being friendly to are the new lasses on the board. Why dont you welcome new male members in the same way? Cos yous arent gay thats why. So their must be something in it mustnt there!
come on - sum1 admit it and help me out here! SURELY you can see i was takin piss??? a hope you's can neway! lol!
Its a bit late to be backing out now, u were telling me today at work that u thought u could get in with one of the new birds!
I know. Its just a laugh and its just a messageboard. I would never do anything wrong behind my lasses back anyway. Its just a laugh!
der, ficky thats cos we're blokes innit, new lad joing the board=we couldnt give a fuck, new lass joing the board=interested. it aint exactly rocket science JimE, I've got no idea how you got dragged into this mate And bri aint a sleaze by any means, he's never awake long enough to be a sleazy I'm gonna ask Rob who voted for who, then I'm gonna get Lulu to chin whoever voted for me I'm not joking either
If you read my post again, yous will see that I wasnt actually calling anyone sleazy! Maybe I implied that people might think that cos you dont greet blokes with such interest! Chill out peeps. I'm sure this thread was just meant to be a laff!
pah! i havnt got 1 vote yet...just shows i aint a sleaze eh! BUT AFTER THIS POST THERE IS OBVIOUSLY GONA BE SOME FUNNY MUNTER GONA VOTE FOR ME!